Six Reasons Why I Should’ve Never Stopped Blogging & Giveaway Announcement

Fish? Who? Me.  I guess you could tell.  Great to be back guys, how are you all? Tell me ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. Its a goal that never went away
    Blogging was a reappearing goal that never went away, I always wanted to continue blogging and being on here right now, makes me feel refreshed.
  2. I have so much to talk about
    As a bookstagrammer, you can’t just type out a complete review on that platform. Instagram is for pictures, not words. I really enjoy writing reviews and discussions and wordpress is the place to do so.
  3. You have so much to talk about!
    When I couldn’t find the time to blog myself, I would go on the app and read your posts. Reading your Top Ten Tuesdays (which I will also now participate in), your reviews and your discussions, they made my day time after time. Bloggers who keep at it, you inspire me.
  4. Opportunity to grow something
    I bought a theme I really like for this blog. Having a blog is a project, I want it to grow with my words, the community, and myself. @FishThatReads is something I want to pour myself into and be proud about.
  5. Inspiration to create
    I am an passionate photographer and artist. On instagram I could take a picture and say a few words, but on the blog, I can connect all these words with plenty of pictures. I can create amazing graphics and headers, the possibilities are endless!
  6. The Community
    You are all so great! Talking with you about books makes me so excited, really communicating with the book blogging community makes me happy. I want your opinions and your ideas. Even if its unrelated, like ‘hey do you want a doughnut?’

DISCUSSION: For real, what do you think of @FishThatReads? I’m debating a name change because my cat Luci is dominating over my bookstagram. Thoughts?

P.S. I will have a 15USD giveaway, which will start once I have 2,000 followers on instagram and continue for two weeks after that, so keep posted! Entries start with following this blog (by email or wordpress, found in sidebar), and my bookstagram (found here). There will be more opportunities for extra entries in a future blog post about the giveaway.

About FishThatReads

Swimming Through Pages

5 Responses

  1. HELLLOOOOOOO! So happy to see you back! It’s been a long time and we’ve all missed you! Can’t wait to read all your posts and chat with you again haha! As for the blog name, I like it at the moment but I’m excited to hear about what you’re planning on maybe changing it to! Your cat is just so adorable GAHHHHH! โค ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

      1. HII! Haha its okay, I understand! Awww hahaha! ๐Ÿ™‚ She’s just the cutest thing, I can’t not! I suck so horribly at thinking of names but I’m sure you’ll think of the best one! (AHAHAH that’s a problem I have too but it just makes everything seem so exciting!)


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